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Hey there. Trista polo with I woke up. I woke up. Awesome. You woke up. Awesome. We all woke up. Awesome. I am so excited to announce the launch of my new website. What you're looking at right now is my current website, which I'm just switching over from. And while we woke up awesome. It woke up a little hung over.
It looks a little dated, a little clunky and it definitely doesn't have that. You know, graphic designer touch. This was definitely a do I DIY project on my part. We just came out with a new platform where I've been hosting my site. And I decided to move over to it because those sites looked so sexy and hot and current and modern and beautiful.
And exactly what I was looking for. And what's great is I was able to take one of the sites that already existed. In our starter packages and tweak it to make it my own. I saved myself. I mean probably $500 in graphic designer and designer team fees by just tweaking one of the preset sites. And it is so beautiful. So I'd like to introduce you to the new home.
Of I woke up and Trista's plate story podcast. Here's the website. It pops right off the page with my general message that you are worthy. You are awesome. And you're contrib contribution is limitless. I really want to connect with people. Either from a coaching standpoint. Or a team support consulting standpoint, or even being part of team with them and helping them build a shopping annuity.
And I think that this site. I will grab your attention. Make sure you know exactly what I'm about and if you want to work with me, Tell you exactly how to do that. So there's a lot of different ways that you can connect with me right here on the site, whether it's to book a call with me. Or connect with me through one of my current services. You can even take the free assessment.
To see how you're doing. With yourself worth. Which I have found to be a key to success, and it's been a huge bonus for me to level up myself worth over the last year. It has really impacted my results. Once you've taken the self-worth. Assessment. You can even be part of myself worth mini course. Or I'll take you through an eight week course of paradigm shifting tools to level up your own. Self-worth.
There's areas where you can read my blog. Book me for a podcast pump summit or press. How to work with me and the different ways I work with people, there's an opportunity to learn what it's like to be part of my team and the steps to take to do so. And then of course, don't forget about Trista's plate story podcast.
It has a new home here on my new website where you can access every one of the episodes. Currently out and to come. I hope you'll visit. Trista's played story podcast and I woke up And its new home. And if you know anybody that's looking to level up their website, let me know. I can hook you up with my guys.
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