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Plate 68 - FL YALL - with Shane Sams of Kentucky

October 11, 2021

Plate 68 -  FL YALL with Shane Sams of Southeastern Kentucky

Shane Sams is the host of the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. He's a former school teacher who had a negative experience at work, which turned into a catalyst for starting a business back in 2012 and becoming totally self employed in 2013.

Shane's business mission is to help family focused people start and grow successful online membership (recurring revenue) websites. He wants to spread this message to as many people as possible so they can spend more time with their families like he is now able to do since he has "flipped his life." Enjoy this episode and want to buy me a cup of coffee?

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[00:00:00] Trista, Host: Welcome to this week's episode of Trista's PL8STORY (Plate Story) Podcast. I'm Trista Polo from and I am your host. Each week, we learn the story behind that vanity plate. You know, the one you saw driving down the road... what did it say? What did it mean? Why did they choose it? 

Welcome to Trista's PL8STORY Podcast. I'm super excited because we have a license plate that is going to knock your socks off today.

[00:00:27] Trista Polo: The story, the man behind. Shane Sams from Kentucky, the license plate is FL YALL. Welcome, Shane. Thanks for being with us. 

[00:00:37] Shane Sams: How you doing Trista.

[00:00:38] Shane Sams: That man ever since I've found you, I'm kind of addicted to your podcast now. I'm not going to lie. I've been telling so many people about this. I'm like, they're like, like what's your favorite podcast right now?

[00:00:47] Shane Sams: I'm like, have you heard this girl with these license plates? This is amazing. Thank you for letting me come on your show. I appreciate it. 

[00:00:53] Trista Polo: That's awesome. I'm excited to have you. You have so much energy and so much to share, but let's start where we always start with the story behind your plate. What is FL YALL?

[00:01:05] Shane Sams: Well, y'all, you're going to figure it out real quick, just cause I'm from Kentucky. If you're watching this on video, I got a big Kentucky glow in behind me on my wall. And we'll we say y'all, I will say you'ens every once in a while and you may get a ye haw before this podcast is over. I'm just saying, so the y'all part is definitely just growing up, you know, in Southeast Kentucky and it's kind of our, our personality and all that.

[00:01:25] Shane Sams: The FL actually stands for Flipped Lifestyle, which is the brand and podcasts that we have now. is this, So I used to be a school teacher and, you know, I was a school teacher in Southeast Kentucky and I probably didn't make enough money to buy a personalized plate. And I definitely didn't want to put it on my Nissan that had a duct tape bumper and the front.

[00:01:45] Shane Sams: Right. So I wasn't really looking for like duct tape as my license plate, you know, for that one. And man, me and my wife, Jocelyn, she was an elementary school librarian and we were just going on about our normal life as teachers. And I was on that railroad track to retirement. You don't need a license plate on the back of the train.

[00:02:01] Shane Sams: So like we were doing that. We were going through life and going through the motions and just like most parents, I had to put my kids in daycare so that I could go to work during the day. And I found, and we had a horrible situation happened where we found out a lady at my son's daycare was mistreating him horrifically.

[00:02:19] Shane Sams: It wasn't sexual or anything like that. It was more psychological. When he would have potty training accidents, she would lock him in a basket. For hours at a time. Yeah, it was unbelievable. And there's a whole bunch of other horrific things that came out of that situation. It was in the newspaper.

[00:02:32] Shane Sams: One of the people eventually went to jail. So it's just a really bad situation. But specifically what rocked my world was I went to my employer. I didn't have anywhere to put my son that day. So I took him to my daughter's daycare, which was only for kids two and under, and she's like, you gotta come back. I love Isaac. I kept him when he was a baby, but you got to come back. I can't keep him. 

[00:02:51] Shane Sams: So I went to work and asked for the day off and it was too late to get a sub. And I said, will you please watch my room for me asking the assistant principal? And she told me, no, she said, you're going to have to handle your personal problems after work mr. Sams, I know your son needs you, but your job needs you too. That's what she said to me. So I left gotten really, I got in trouble, I had a write up for leaving my duty. Cause the teachers a weird job, like you gotta be there. I mean, there's kids in your room. There's they're juniors in high school.

[00:03:19] Shane Sams: They're gonna burn down the building if you don't hang onto the control of the room. Right. And but I promised myself on that day that I would find a way to become and stay self-employed. I would find a way to make my own living where nobody could ever tell me I couldn't be there for my family again. So I go on to do research for months and trying all kinds of things like trying to make money online, trying to make money elsewhere.

[00:03:43] Shane Sams: And finally, my wife and I discover online business. We discover that you can create digital products, you can build communities around those products and you can go out and get hundreds of people to pay you $50 a month every single month. And you can make money on the internet by sharing experiences, wisdom, teaching people how to do things.

[00:04:02] Shane Sams: And so she started selling lesson plans about you know, Li library, lesson plans. So librarians wouldn't have to plan lessons at home. I started, I was a football coach. I didn't know anything. So I started selling playbooks. Right. And I had all these people from all over the country, started running my playbooks on Friday night.

[00:04:16] Shane Sams: And I'm like, I'm not Nick Saban. I'm not, I'm okay as a coach, but I made a good playbook. So people bought it and it was crazy when we launched, it was like, we made like $2,000 in something in the first month when it was like, wow, that's almost one of our salaries. And then the next month was 3,500 and then 5,000.

[00:04:33] Shane Sams: And then in July of 2013 was 15,000 in one month. And then in August was 36,000 in one month. And I was like, Jocelyn, we got to quit our jobs. We have to do this. So this is I'm getting there. I promise. So we quit. We go in, we quit our jobs. Now I'm from a small town in Kentucky word spread like wildfire that Shane and Jocelyn resigned on the same day.

[00:04:55] Shane Sams: And everybody was freaking out. They were like, are you all okay? Are you getting divorced? Are you moving away? And like, or, Hey, did Shane do something illegal? Is he going to jail? Like all these questions, like my mom asked me if I was a drug dealer, at least twice. It got so bad. Like the month after we made all that money, the big, the big month that convinced us to quit our jobs.

[00:05:17] Shane Sams: We went and saw Jocelyn's grandfather out in Muhlenberg county, Kentucky. And he shook my hand when we were leaving like an old coal miner. Does, you know, shakes your hand from, I looked down, there was a $20 bill in it and I was like, I looked up at him and go sign. I know you're not working right now. So there's some gas money to get you home.

[00:05:33] Shane Sams: And I'm like, I made more money last month than I made last year, grandpa, like, what are you talking about? So all this is happening. And at about the same time that all these questions are getting asked, like, what are we doing? What are we doing? One of Jocelyn's friends said, Hey, what are you guys doing now?

[00:05:50] Shane Sams: Can I do. I have a dream to stay home and homeschool my daughter. Could you show me how to make money online? Like you guys are doing? And Jocelyn was like, yeah, you're my friend. Of course. So Jocelyn helps her within a few months, make enough money to quit her job. Right. And she's not been back to work since she homeschooled her kids.

[00:06:08] Shane Sams: It changed their family's life. And at that point, I looked at Jocelyn and said, Hey, if we did this and we built multiple companies with this method, and Lindsay did that by following our instructions, we could probably help a lot of people do that. We should tell people what we figured out. And we, we had kind of thrown the idea around of like having a podcast.

[00:06:31] Shane Sams: Well, my mom, the Southern mama, that she is an angry at her son for giving up that good job. She cornered me in her kitchen. One day I was, she's got one in old school kitchens. It kind of turns the corner and I was in the fridge. And when I shut the door, boom, there was, mom's standing there finger already in my face, dressed up.

[00:06:48] Shane Sams: And she said, Shane sands, you. Lost your mind. You have flipped out sign. You had a great job. You had insurance, you had retirement, you've got babies. You got a wife. I can't believe you've done something so irresponsible and I got in the car as we were going home. I'm Jocelyn. I were talking, I was telling her what my mom did and it just hit me.

[00:07:07] Shane Sams: You flipped. You've lost your mind. And I was like, Jocelyn, I think I know the, I think I know the name of our podcast. So we started this podcast, but when we live in the flipped lifestyle, everybody else goes to the nine to five. Everybody else just does what their boss tells them. Everybody else puts their work first and their family second, we're going to flip that upside down, flipped lifestyle, baby, and we're going to live it and breathe it. So we named the podcast Flipped Lifestyle. It really took off like we started getting just massive following on the internet. People were just loving our message of getting up and taking your kids to school before you go to work and picking them up at three o'clock and doing all these things and Flipped Lifestyle kind of took a life of its own.

[00:07:44] Shane Sams: So as, as we built this brand, we started selling the older companies, right. So we could devote all of our time to this mission. And then I looked up one day and I was like, Jocelyn, we can afford this. It's a hundred grand. Let's go buy that navigator. That's all, it's got massage seats and heat. Let's go do this.

[00:08:02] Shane Sams: I wait. I used to drive a car with duct tape on it, to work, man. This one will run and it has no duct tape anywhere to be seen. And we bought it. And when we, and we said, Hey, let's get a personalized license plate. What do you want? Cause we're like, Flipped Lifestyle, Yall. So we put that on the back of it.

[00:08:17] Shane Sams: And that's what we've had ever since man. And that's like, we just drive that around and you wouldn't believe the conversations that opens up and lets me explain kind of what we do to people. But that's, that's the longest nutshell version of why I have that license plate. 

[00:08:31] Trista Polo: Wow. Well, you know, I have to ask what I think is maybe like on the minds of the people that heard this story, how's your son doing?

[00:08:38] Shane Sams: You know, it's funny. It was really, really hard for a few years. Like he had a lot of problems, like he developed a really bad fear of going to the bathroom and he would withhold it. Right. So he actually damaged his colon a little bit and it like, it took us years for that to heal up. And he had a condition called encopresis, which basically is like, you can't you're, you can't really feel the muscles in your colon, so you can have accidents longer than most kids would have accidents.

[00:09:04] Shane Sams: That was a big, we had doctors and physical stuff and he did really, really good. There's definitely still emotional stuff, you know, but we, we have, we have great resources. We go to counseling monthly and Isaac right now is the most well-adjusted kindest, most beautiful spirit on the face of it. Like I tell him every day you are already so much of a better person than I will ever be that I can't even believe it.

[00:09:29] Shane Sams: So, you know, he just a great kid. He we've overcome all of those things. Thank God it wasn't a physical beating or sexual or anything like that. It was, it was stuff that we can attack together in his mind. And there's good days and bad days, they'll, there'll be not gonna be nights. He wakes up and comes and gets in bed with us even still, but you know, most 99% of time, he's just crushing it.

[00:09:48] Shane Sams: So he's awesome. 

[00:09:49] Trista Polo: That's awesome. And how long ago did all of this like happen? How long has it been? 

[00:09:55] Shane Sams: He was about, he was three ish. He was about three and a half when all this happened. So he's 12 now. And so we we've spent a lot of time, a lot of energy, a lot of talking, a lot of, you know, you know, and also too, like I always want to stress,

[00:10:08] Shane Sams: like I don't ever, I don't have any hate or resentment for anybody about bad situations. I think bad situations are just going to happen to us. This was not a thing that we could have foreseen, like this place was actually, she used to be owned by this amazing woman who was more grandmother to the town.

[00:10:25] Shane Sams: Then she was daycare runner. Right. And she just happened to retire. She happened to sell it to somebody else and they happened to make a bad hire that's this was just a factual thing. Right. And the experience of going through negative things to me always makes you who you are. And I think we're a better family because of this experience.

[00:10:43] Shane Sams: I think I understand more about my emotions, me needing counseling and my wife needing counseling. And everybody needs somebody to kind of help them through the hard parts of life. So I actually think of it as you know, I try to, it's a blessing, this is something that happened it's nobody's fault, but you know what, we're going to turn it into the best possible thing we can.

[00:11:02] Trista Polo: beautiful that you took something bad in life and you turned it around and you had it really inspire you to change your whole life.

[00:11:13] Trista Polo: And now how many people have been impacted positively as a result. So do you know how many people you've helped with this process to kind of follow 

[00:11:23] Shane Sams: in your footsteps and over 4,000 people come through our community, right. And go through now, it's hard to gauge what the impact is, but we have hundreds of stories.

[00:11:32] Shane Sams: Like I think we have something like 1200 collected stories that people have sent us of. I did this, I did that. And we've got people it's crazy. How far a ripple can go when you take something and you put it out into the world, right? Like, I'm sure you were like, when you thought of this podcast, you're like, is anybody going to listen to this?

[00:11:49] Shane Sams: And you're like, they do, they live with it. It's amazing. Right. And we thought that too, we thought, well, we'll help a few people. It'll be incredible. But like So while I wish it hadn't have happened, I think we've made the absolute best of it. We could. 

[00:12:00] Trista Polo: Yeah. I mean, the fact that I'm glad to hear he's doing well. That's awesome. And. The fact that it created this spark, like how many people's lives are better 

[00:12:16] Shane Sams: are freer are 

[00:12:19] Trista Polo: flipped or, you know, so I, I mean, I agree with you, like bad things happen.

[00:12:25] Trista Polo: I have a sign on my office. Every storm runs out of rain just to remind myself 

[00:12:32] Shane Sams: that I never heard that before. That is 

[00:12:34] Trista Polo: a great, oh, there you go. Yeah, that's a good one. And it just, it's a reminder, like, no matter how bad it gets, there's, you know, the sun will shine again. And what are we going to do with the lessons we've learned from the things we've gone through?

[00:12:47] Shane Sams: He doesn't even remember it. No, but the scars are deep. Like he doesn't know why he's scared or has a panic attack sometimes. Right? Yeah. But like, but it's like, he doesn't, we've told him about it and we just said, Hey, this, this is something that happened. Let's just deal with it.

[00:13:00] Shane Sams: Yeah. Well, I'm 

[00:13:01] Trista Polo: glad he doesn't have a memory of it. I'm sorry. He's still having residual stuff, but it's good. He doesn't relive it in his mind. Cause that would be a whole nother level. 

[00:13:10] Shane Sams: There's this awesome story. I love this quote from mother Teresa. She was being interviewed by this knucklehead reporter who was really cynical.

[00:13:18] Shane Sams: He didn't like her for some reason. And he was like, listen, you're this nun in the middle of nowhere. Like, do you really think you can change the world? And she said, no, But I can pick up my stone and cast it out upon the waters and cause many ripples.

[00:13:33] Shane Sams: And that's like my favorite thing about flipped lifestyle. Like we see that we go out and get people and help them start these membership communities. That's what we really focus on. And then they, you know, we have hundreds of people in our community, but then that person will branch off and they'll go help hundreds of people in their community.

[00:13:49] Shane Sams: Like we've got this lady named Rebecca Dekker, she's from Kentucky too. And she came into our community and she was like, I'm a nurse, I'm a nurse. I was a professor in college and I had a horrific birth experience with my first child. And I don't want any woman to ever have to go through this again. And I have the training to help them.

[00:14:06] Shane Sams: Do you think this would work? And they're like, how, why do you want to turn that into a membership? She said, I want to help nurses doulas and midwives and train them correctly so that the people they serve will have great birth experiences, healthy birth experiences. And we're like, amazing. Let's do it.

[00:14:23] Shane Sams: So we help her to build our membership. We help her build her. She goes out and launches, and now she's helping hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of nurses, doulas, midwives, hospitals. And I can't imagine the thousands and thousands of births every year that just her coming to Flipped Lifestyle, her starting her thing.

[00:14:43] Shane Sams: And that ripple is going like far and wide. And I have a website. I have another website that I still have. It's called U S history And it's like a membership for lesson plans in history teachers. Right. And I figured it out when. That something like a hundred thousand students have been taught history with the lesson plans that we created in that website.

[00:15:03] Shane Sams: Like, that's crazy to think about it that you've dropped hundreds of classroom teachers and then thousands of kids have literally sat there and listened to your exact words that you put on paper. So that that's really what we're here for. That's why we sold our other businesses because we wanted to just go all in and keep throwing our stone.

[00:15:22] Shane Sams: Every time someone joins my membership, I'm like, that's a stone. Let's pick it up. Let's throw it. Let's see how big the ripple is. And the ripple is not always like educating children and birthing babies. Like there's this guy out in there's this guy out in San Diego, his name is Kenny Triano and he has a website and a podcast calledBred to Perfection. And it's all about raising chickens in your backyard. And it's just like, people like to do that. It's meditative. It helps them. They're taking care of something and that's what he loves to do. He loves chickens. He loves to take care of chickens and he loves to help people take care of their chickens.

[00:15:52] Shane Sams: But that's still a ripple man. What kind of he's he's helping people calm down. He's helping people distress. He's helping people be sustainable. And that's what I love most about what we do really. 

[00:16:02] Trista Polo: That's awesome. I love that. Now I wanted to ask you about your shirt because you can see a little bit of it in the video.

[00:16:10] Trista Polo: Can you tell me, okay, so a hundred times now I've heard this. All you got to do is get a hundred people to give you 50 bucks a month, because then you're making five K a year. No problem. That sounds too easy. Now I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying. Like find a, an idea that you do that other people would want to duplicate.

[00:16:33] Trista Polo: And I love that. You're saying it doesn't have to be fancy or smart, even really just something that lazy people will use it instead of making their own. 

[00:16:44] Shane Sams: That's not bad. That's not a bad way to say. I don't think I'd articulate it just like that. You know what I'm saying? But that's about right. 

[00:16:51] Trista Polo: But the fact that somebody is going to take something that other people made like your football playbook or, you know, the lesson plans, just to have one less thing to have to do. That's right. That seems pretty simple. To be able to come up with an idea to find something people want to have somebody else do all the work.

[00:17:12] Shane Sams: Yeah. We hear this all the time. Cause it it's funny when I put this in an ad or something or I post this formula, cause this is kind of like my, one of my catch phrase things, you know, it's like, oh, you need a hundred people, $50 a month, 5,000 a month, 60,000 a year.

[00:17:24] Shane Sams: You make a living on that now. And like people laugh and that's the number one thing they'll get like scammer, you're a scammer MLM or whatever. That's when I get attacked. Cause then I do this, which I kind of bait them because I want them to do it for the engagement. But, but like where that came from was actually right before we really started going all in on online business.

[00:17:44] Shane Sams: You know, I was desperate after I wanted to quit my job. I just couldn't take it anymore. And. We were driving to see a Jocely's parents. They live in a different town and we were out on the highway and she was driving and I was in the passenger side and I was like, man, I can't figure out how to make money.

[00:18:02] Shane Sams: I just don't know how to do this. I know that you're supposed to get a job. Someone gives you a salary, but I don't know how you do it, like on your own. And I don't know what made me think about this Trista. I really don't. I looked, I was looking out the window, trees just flying by and it just hit me. And I looked over at Jocelyn, said, Hey, I got to ask you something.

[00:18:19] Shane Sams: She goes, what I said, what if we could get a hundred people to just send us $50? She kind of looked out of the corner of her eye. Like I was crazy and she goes to church

[00:18:33] Shane Sams: what is this? And and I said, well, think about it. I was like, there's 7 billion people on the planet. And I know that like 4 billion of them right now can get on the internet. You know, there's gotta be something that I can put out there that someone would give me $50 for. And that would replace our salary.

[00:18:50] Shane Sams: Like at the time I made like 2,500 bucks a month, she made like 2,500 bucks a month. You take that together. And his five. So that was why five grand was on my thing. Later I would learn that like the median income of the United States is like 60,000 or something. So this is like a middle-class living.

[00:19:04] Shane Sams: I mean, this isn't a joke. Like this is like, you can live on this. And I was like, I wonder how can I get a hundred people to get me for dollar? She goes, yeah, I don't think you can do that. It's like, I don't know. I've never heard of anything like that before. And I was like, okay, well I said it. So I bet there's a way, if you could say it out loud, it's probably true.

[00:19:18] Shane Sams: So I started looking for a way to do this. One day I was mowing my grass. And I was listening to a podcast. Now this is back in 2012, before podcasts were what podcasts are right now. There were not a ton of podcasts in any of the categories and the ones that were there had only been out like a year or two.

[00:19:36] Shane Sams: There wasn't like a ton of shows. And a podcast that I found was called the Smart Passive Income Podcast. And this guy was talking about making money on the internet. And I was like, oh, this is interesting. How does he do it? So he was an architect and he lost his job, but he had a blog that he had been doing for years about his studying for the architecture licensing exam.

[00:19:59] Shane Sams: And he's like, I thought, Hey, what if I realized people were listening or reading my blog and signing up for my email list? So what if I tried to sell them? My study guide that I made for myself, this is a PDF like this wasn't anything fancy. So he put a PayPal button on his page. He said, if you give me 50 bucks, it was like 47, 47, 49.

[00:20:19] Shane Sams: If you gave me 50 bucks, I'll send you this PDF. And he made $9,000. And I about stroked out on top of that lawnmower or pushed it off the hill. I jumped off the lawnmower and ran inside and kicked in the door and told Jocelyn. I figured it out. This is how we can get a hundred people to give us $50. He made a digital thing that he emailed to people and, and it solved their problem.

[00:20:42] Shane Sams: Why can't we do that? Why can't we do that? And so we looked at the things that we could create. There was a lot of failure in between this story and actually succeeding by the way. I just want to make sure everybody knows that. But fast forward, what happened was we realized teachers hated planning lessons in the afternoon.

[00:20:59] Shane Sams: They just wanted to show up and teach and go home to their family. So if we could create bell-to-bell instruction for them for all 185 days of the school year, they could put their classroom on autopilot. They could do what they were hired to do, teach the material, and then they could go home at three o'clock.

[00:21:16] Shane Sams: They could eat dinner with their kids. They could take their children to practice and we could remove their stress. So it wasn't like we just made up, we just did what we already knew, lesson plans and we, and we, and we solved a problem for people. They didn't have time in the evenings cause they were spending three hours to do that. We just solved that problem. Football coaches are had a weird problem. Like everybody looks at the big coaches like Nick Saban and Bill Belichick and all these people, right? And these guys go around these speaking clinics and they say, oh, you just do this and you'll win every game. Well, the problem is those guys have six foot five guys that run Olympic sprinter times a high school coach can't win like that.

[00:21:52] Shane Sams: And I, as a high school coach have been through the ups and downs. Like I was, oh and ten one year as a head football coach, but I've also been able to took a team to the playoffs, whatever I knew, what it really took to play defense with average kids. And I also knew that half the football coaches every week lose think about it every week, every Friday, half of them lose right.

[00:22:14] Shane Sams: Half those dudes are going home miserable and getting up miserable on Saturday morning and they're losing their weekend. So that's how I sold it. I was like, look, I've won with average players, I've turned around pro two programs. I want you to. To look at my defense because they're like your kids and I, and I want to help you go home happy more Friday nights than not.

[00:22:34] Shane Sams: So you can wake up and enjoy your kids' sports on Saturday. And you're not thinking about the game before, and that really resonated with people because we solved that problem. It's you're getting up and you're getting your weekends back. Right? So when you, when you look at these things, a lot of people you hear about an online business.

[00:22:50] Shane Sams: They're there, you know, the guys that are on their Instagram laying on their Lamborghini that they rented, or they're there in their mansion, which is really an Airbnb that they bring in for the weekend. Yeah. Yeah. That's not what we're saying. Like you don't, don't, don't chase your passions. My passion is walking on a beach in Mexico.

[00:23:03] Shane Sams: I love to go to Mexico. It's I'm passionate about walking down that beach. Nobody's paying me to walk down the beach and doing my passion. What you focus on are your God-given talents, your God-given experiences and the wisdom you've picked up along the way you package that into an online product. And you reach back to people who are chapter two behind you and you pull them forward.

[00:23:23] Shane Sams: And then when you do that, the reason they will pay you every single month, not just one time for that digital product is because you also build a community around these things, right? Like we built the elementary librarian, community, lonely librarians, the only one in the school. Oh, now you can hang out with hundreds of librarians in this Facebook group, football coaches who run this specific defense and hate other defense.

[00:23:43] Shane Sams: Come over here and hang out in our community forums. And let's talk about what happened and your game plan chickens. You love chickens, come over here and talk to all the other people that love chickens. Cause everybody else in your family thinks you're crazy for having chickens. And it just goes on and on and on nurses do as they go together, podcasters, they go together.

[00:23:59] Shane Sams: So if you can create some curated content, a nice, easy path that people can just follow instead of Googling and YouTube thing, and then you build community around it and then you provide leadership. You gotta be the leader of the community. It doesn't mean you're like Tony Robbins up on stage clapping, but it's like, Hey, you're providing structure and opportunities for these people.

[00:24:17] Shane Sams: They'll pay you month after month, year after year. And you can build a stable, steady recurring revenue, and you only need like a couple hundred people to make a really, really, really solid living through this. 

[00:24:29] Trista Polo: Well, you make it sound so easy. I know because 

[00:24:32] Shane Sams: it's simple. It's not easy. There's a lot of work involved.

[00:24:34] Shane Sams: You got to pick up the shovel and dig, but it's not real complicated to know you want to hold. Right. So that the concepts are simple, but of course there's work and you've got to have a learning curve and figure things out, but we've seen it. I mean, I've seen, I've seen the crazy, there's this lady up in North Dakota and she needs a license plate needs to say like sheep or something.

[00:24:54] Shane Sams: And like she said, she she's in North Dakota. Her name is Teresa Perleberg. I think it's bear mountain felting and drop her a link there. ( But she came to us and was like, I make Teddy bears out of sheep wool, and I'm not cool. How do you do it? She's like this thing called needle felting. It's kind of like yarn.

[00:25:12] Shane Sams: What is it called when you yarn? When you got the sticks, crochet, it's kinda like that, but it's called needle. And I'm like, okay. She goes, that's not all keep going. She goes, I actually raised the sheep, shaved them, dye the wool, and then turn it into this thing. And I want to start a membership for other sheep sharing enthusiasts who wants to shave their own sheep and do their own wool and make their own stuffed animals.

[00:25:35] Shane Sams: And I'm going to give them courses. That's very niche niche as it gets. I'm like, okay, sure. Are there other people that like this? And she's like, oh yeah. There's people that do this. It's like a cottage thing. Right. It's like scrapbooking or something. I'm like, all right, whatever. So she starts building this thing and we get her content.

[00:25:53] Shane Sams: It's like how to make a giraffe, how to make an elephant, how to make a whatever. And I'm like, okay, that looks good. And then like, so she's got her community set up. It's like a Facebook group or forum or something. And then she's going to do these member calls where she teaches people like alive technique.

[00:26:05] Shane Sams: Right. And they come and ask questions. It explodes. She has like over 400 members for this thing and it just keeps growing and it got so big that she started like supplying the wool for people, partnered with another sheep herder in North Dakota so that they can have enough sheep wool to send out to members.

[00:26:23] Shane Sams: So now they have like, And it gets crazier. She bought like 

[00:26:27] Trista Polo: a monthly 

[00:26:27] Shane Sams: subscription box, but it was a monthly course first with a community. But then the demand was so high for the wool. Like people couldn't keep up with their own, like they couldn't sheer their sheep fast enough. So she started like processing and having a little box of kits that she could send out right each month.

[00:26:43] Shane Sams: And then they bought an old elementary school that was abandoned and they bought the school like a school. So the gym is going to be their conference center. They've turned the rooms into like classrooms and little Airbnb bread and breakfast kind of things.

[00:27:03] Shane Sams: and you can pet her sheep and you can like do a conference. It's unbelievable. It's out. It's so mind boggling. That's one of my favorite stories because Teresa one is just a, just a go getter. Right? Nothing complicated about anything she does. It's just videos and hanging out. But she's just, like she said, I'm going to do this.

[00:27:21] Shane Sams: I love this. I'm going to do it. Or Instagram's full of pictures with her sheep. And so it's, you know, and she just goes out and built this huge community of sheep, shearing needle, felting enthusiasts. So right. 

[00:27:33] Trista Polo: Her hobby into a membership-based passive. Passive residual 

[00:27:39] Shane Sams: what pat, when I say 

[00:27:41] Trista Polo: call this kind of 

[00:27:42] Shane Sams: income.

[00:27:43] Shane Sams: Yeah. I don't believe in passive income. I think that word is kind of overused. All money must be managed, right? But what you can do is you can create a presence in the world that can go, it can be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. You don't have to pay attention a lot to it. You need to spend a couple hours a day on it, probably to make sure that your members are getting served and that you're talking to people you're leading doing some marketing, but you can also be like, oh, but I can also pick up my kid at three o'clock.

[00:28:13] Shane Sams: I can also go to my kid's ball game or sit at practice and watch them practice. And I know my business is still running. You know, I'll send an email this morning before we got on this podcast. I know that's getting people ready for my next webinar right now. I'm going to, I'm going to get off this call and they'll probably be 20.

[00:28:27] Shane Sams: Signed up for a webinar or something, right? Like you can do things and let the wheels turn kind of like while you live your life. So this is like how you achieve work-life balance. And work-life harmony. There's no such thing as passive income where you're like, I have made one blog post that went viral and now I have this product and everyone buys it forever.

[00:28:45] Shane Sams: And if anyone tells you that they're lying, I know half of them and have called them out. Right. So like, it's just not true. It's not true. 

[00:28:53] Trista Polo: I do know someone who created a passive income business. He's I know him through the podcast and he created something where he licensed it.

[00:29:05] Trista Polo: And so they, so like, like he owns like a franchise thing and everybody paid. Just 

[00:29:13] Shane Sams: gets money every day. What I would, that is awesome. That's those are great stories. Like it's the shark tank syndrome, right? Like, that's great. But if you create something that's, licensable in an industry that's rare.

[00:29:25] Shane Sams: That's really, really rare. It's really hard. You know, you're talking 1% of, 1% of people actually create something that's broad enough to go. Wow, that's so good. We're going to license it everywhere. You know? So like, that's cool. If you have a goal and you think you have an idea, good enough thing go. And what's funny is these kinds of businesses like these online memberships and things are what you can't get to the licensing thing until you've done the whole, the work at the other level.

[00:29:51] Shane Sams: So like there's steps to get to that licensing and that royalty it's like we hear like Facebook bought Instagram for a billion. Well, Facebook's only done that a few times. It's not like they're doing that. There's a unicorn popping up every week. So I love the dream. I love the goal, but I'm telling you right now, if you just want to make a great living and you want to spend more time with your kids and family, this is the, this is the way you get to that point, even if that's your goal.

[00:30:14] Trista Polo: Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. Now you mentioned something really briefly that there were a lot of. Failures between 2012. And when you got that $36,000 in one month, can you share a couple of the failure stories that really taught you lessons that helped you fail forward? Cause I know so many people are scared of failure, but you gotta be willing to fail to succeed.

[00:30:38] Shane Sams: Oh, I, I hate days I don't fail because like, if I don't fail at something today, I didn't learn anything. And I'm just going to be stagnant in about two weeks, you know? So you got to look for those problems where you screw up so you can get better, you know? But I, I started out, I was all by myself trying to figure all this stuff out and it wasn't like now, like now you can get a platform and you can have like a website and email marketing and sales funnels and all that stuff it's just there in a box. 

[00:31:01] Shane Sams: But back then, man, I did not have code. I didn't know how to build a website.I don't know how to do anything. So at the first websites I tried to build every one of them crashed. I didn't have enough money to do anything.

[00:31:10] Shane Sams: Right. So I had to keep selling stuff. I was having yard sales every weekend and Jocelyn starting to look around the house. What are you doing? And I'm like, I'm going to rent the kids stuff. Like somebody will take them for $20. I promise it. Right. And like, it was just crazy. Cause every I would, I would buy these courses and they were just hopeful of bad information.

[00:31:28] Shane Sams: Like everything I tried would fail. So I had a website, one was called Toddler Apocalypse, and I thought I would be a dad blogger. I thought I'm going to be a dad blogger, man. I'm funny. I'll kind of say funny things. Sometimes I'll take pictures of my kids doing stupid stuff. And I actually got a little audience traction, but like there was no way to make money with it.

[00:31:45] Shane Sams: I just didn't know. I put ads on it, like Google ads and stuff and nobody clicked anything. Nobody cared. Right. So that was a total abject disaster. Then I think one of our sites got hacked because I didn't know you were supposed to have like a good password at the time. So my password was probably like password or something and somebody 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

[00:32:04] Shane Sams: When we got hacked, it was ridiculous. It was like a bot hijacked our WordPress account for something. So that was terrible. And of course, like nothing I did made money like months and months. And my wife was looking at me going, what are you doing, man?

[00:32:18] Shane Sams: You're spending all your time on this. You're spending all our money on this, like you. And she was saying things like, I think we should stop this. Like we need to figure this out. You know, we need there's other ways to do this, but I was really determined not to fail. And I almost gave up, I really did almost quit.

[00:32:32] Shane Sams: I remember the night that almost quit, I was laying in bed and I was totally depressed. Like, have you ever been like, like so depressed, you lay in your bed with your computer on your chest and you're like, you don't, you just get rid of your pillow and you're just like this, and you're trying to like move the mouse with your chin.

[00:32:47] Shane Sams: Like, that was the level of sad that I was at this moment. Like I was just done. And I was looking at my Google analytics on a, it was actually my first history site. I had started creating worksheets and I was trying to give them away for free. And and then I would hope that that the teachers would click ads.

[00:33:03] Shane Sams: Right. But the problem was like, I had no content, I wasn't typing any content. I was just putting a downloadable link and then surrounding it was spam. Basically. It was stupid. And but nothing was happening. Made no money. I shut my computer, threw it off my chest. So disgusted and Jocelyn was up late reading a book and I just went in the bathroom and it was about, it was just depressed.

[00:33:25] Shane Sams: And I remember, I didn't even turn the light on when I went into the bathroom, I just stood there, brushing my teeth in the dark with like a little bit of light coming from the bedroom. And I just said a prayer. I was just like, God, is this like, are these people scammers? Is this real? Like, is anything actually happening because I've really not made any money on this.

[00:33:44] Shane Sams: And I have tried, I've worked really, really hard and just give me a sign. I don't care either direction if I go back to work and I retired I'm 62. So be it. But I'm just sick of this. I'm done. And right before I went to. I picked up my computer, I was gonna move out of the way. And I was like, I'm I'm going to get back on here because you know how it goes when you're like looking at your analytics, like your podcast, download your stuff.

[00:34:05] Shane Sams: And you're like, ah, one more time. Let's hit refresh and see what happens. So I opened my computer and I hit refresh. And whereas zero had been there before. There was 11 cents in my ad account, like someone had literally clicked an ad and I had made 11 cents on my business. This is a dime and a penny. This is couch cushion money.

[00:34:26] Shane Sams: I'm not saying this is millions of dollars, but I treated it like that. I was so excited. I had so much failure and it's so much struggle to even get content into the world up to this point. But what I put out had sent money back and I showed it to my wife, Jocelyn. I said, look at this all we've been through everything I've done.

[00:34:46] Shane Sams: It's real. You can, you can make content, you can try to serve people. And as sooner or later it's going to make some kind of money. And what if that was a million pennies? What if it was a million dimes? We just got to get more people to see this. And that's when she got on board, started elementary librarian and we had all the failures of that first six to eight months led to us ramping up the real business in two months because we had learned all the lessons.

[00:35:09] Shane Sams: I knew how to build a site. I knew what to avoid. I knew all the problems and the success that we had in the one in the swing that did hit the home run would not have been possible without all the strikeouts in the months before. So that that's kind of like where failure leads you. If you just keep swinging and eventually you're going to see the dime, then the nickel, then the quarter and then the dollar, and then the $2,000.

[00:35:31] Shane Sams: And then all of a sudden you look up and you've replaced your income and you flipped your life. So, yeah, that's 

[00:35:37] Trista Polo: awesome. That's really great. So your life now, how does it look compared to those early days? 

[00:35:46] Shane Sams: It's really different. So

[00:35:53] Shane Sams: flip side, that's the other side of the so let me, let me tell you about a couple of sacrifices that we made in the beginning, you know, and then I'll lead to how that shapes what we do now. So of course the most important thing. I just have control of every minute of my day. Like I choose who I talked to when I talked to them, what I do every minute of every day, I choose to spend time with my kids in the morning, take them to school every day.

[00:36:17] Shane Sams: That's really important to me. We pick our kids up from school at three o'clock every day. Right. And we work around those times. So that's the coolest thing is like I went from a school teacher who literally can't go to the bathroom until the bell rings to having total control of my life. So that's the most important thing.

[00:36:32] Shane Sams: But there were other sacrifices that we made when we started out, like Jocelyn is a huge Olympic fan. My wife, she loves the Olympics and the, the summer that I wanted to go down this rabbit hole, the summer Olympics were coming out, but here's the problem. We needed a a hundred bucks for hosting and some plugins and some other things.

[00:36:50] Shane Sams: Our cable bill was about a hundred bucks at the time. So I said a hundred dollars. We needed a hundred bucks. That's all we needed, right? Because I needed to set up hosting by. I needed a course on email marketing and there was something else I needed a hundred bucks. I was like Jocelyn, if we cancel cable, you won't be able to watch the Olympics.

[00:37:08] Shane Sams: And this was before the Olympics were on the TV, the internet, this was TV was how you watched them. Right. And I was like, but maybe someday I'll be able to take you to the Olympics right out of the province. And we did, we canceled cable. It freed up time, freed up money. And we were able to build this thing.

[00:37:22] Shane Sams: Right. The second thing we did when we were about to quit our job, Jocelyn was not ready to quit. I talked her into it. I was like, if we're doing this part-time, what could we do? Full-time she's like one more year. I don't know, let's do it. But to set ourselves up to be prepared, to make that decision a few months before we resigned, we actually sold our house.

[00:37:40] Shane Sams: We had a 2,400 square foot house. I had an above ground pool. It was fancy. I'm telling you above ground pool. And it was, it was awesome though. We had a nice house, nice neighborhood, whatever. And we moved into this older house that was built in the thirties, remodeled in the seventies, needs updated kitchen, that kind of stuff.

[00:37:56] Shane Sams: Right. But it lowered our bills by like a thousand bucks a month to move into this house. So it freed up all that money to reinvest back in the business. Okay. So we go on, we do all the things that we do, right. Well, now I promise you I can go to the Olympics. I can go the Olympics if I want to we can do those things.

[00:38:12] Shane Sams: Like we travel all the time. We spend more than. This is, I don't want to, I don't like to say this cause it sounds un-humble but we, we actually spend more money on travel than we used to make as teachers now, because we just have the resources to do it. So we take advantage of it. And we actually just a few years ago bought a brand new house.

[00:38:30] Shane Sams: It's it's exactly double the size of the house that we used to live in. It's 4,800 square feet. And we have, we have 40 acres out in the middle of Kentucky and we have a private lake. We can ride jet-skis on, like we own the lake. Like it sits behind our house. It's surrounded by our land. And it's our, lake my, my kids fish on it.

[00:38:46] Shane Sams: We ride tubes on it and it's kind of silly. Like when I say it out loud, I still don't understand how these words are coming out of my mouth because it's so different than what we had before, because we didn't have this broad reach of the internet. I can, I have customers in every state of the union. We have customers all over the world and that produces an awesome amount of income and also a matter of freedom.

[00:39:08] Shane Sams: So, you know, I, this was 

[00:39:11] Trista Polo: an awesome amount of value. That's 

[00:39:13] Shane Sams: right. There's awesome. Value. People will pay you forever. If you can have. You know. Yeah. So we, we provide the value, they give value back and it's just, it's kind of silly. Not, I don't want anybody out there to think our life is not full of problems.

[00:39:25] Shane Sams: I got the same I'm ha I still got to have those same conversations with my kids that are uncomfortable. Cause some knuckleheads said something at school. My kids still act up. Me and my wife still have disagreements. Nothing really changes except kind of like the time and the things you have to deal with it.

[00:39:39] Shane Sams: Right. But what's really good with that time thing is you have so much more time to focus on your health, your mental health. You can go to counseling, you have the resources to do these things. So like, even though this wasn't our goal, right? Our goal was to quit our jobs and make a living. When, when you see what's possible, you can start setting new goals.

[00:39:58] Shane Sams: You can start going to the next level. And that's where we're at now. What can we do to make more of an impact, reach more people. And that's where we're investing our time and money in right now. And 

[00:40:09] Trista Polo: has your family feel about, you know, 

[00:40:12] Shane Sams: Well, my mom loves come over my house. Now she's not got me cornered in the bathroom no more.

[00:40:16] Shane Sams: Jr. She loves sitting on the back porch and hanging out. And I think it just took him a while to realize that we had it under control. Right. And it was, it was, it was kind of like you couldn't what was happening to us was so in comprehensible to us, we couldn't even possibly articulate it correctly to the people in our life, you know, but they got it.

[00:40:36] Shane Sams: They started understanding it. And I tell you what the podcast really helped because like my brothers and my family started listening to the podcast. They heard what we were doing for people. Cause that's my podcast. I interviewed my members of my community and I helped them with whatever they're struggling with.

[00:40:52] Shane Sams: That's the flipped lifestyle podcast. Yeah. I have a second podcast called membership masters, which is more as we started building more success stories, people wanted higher level content and we started drawing in higher level, like digital marketers and stuff.

[00:41:06] Shane Sams: And I know a lot of people really good guests. So like I started interviewing people, no friends, but the flipped lifestyle podcast is the main, main show. And once that was out there and people started seeing what was happening. Of course there was some problems. Like, I mean, we lost some friends, some people didn't understand, like I, I had a few of my friends that shockingly got really angry and ended the relationship.

[00:41:28] Shane Sams: And I don't know if it was like jealousy or they didn't like their choices compared to, I don't know what it was. Right. But like, it was, it caused some problems in some relationships, I mean, and changed some things. But 99% of the people are just happy for us and, you know, So that's good. 

[00:41:47] Trista Polo: That's good. I think you're right.

[00:41:49] Trista Polo: That there are definitely people who can't stand to see others succeed because it just reminds them of what they are not doing. That brings up a question. I always like to ask, which is about self-worth. I have this philosophy that you cannot replace self-worth with hard work. So how has self-worth played a part in your rise to this level of success?

[00:42:17] Shane Sams: You know, it's interesting. I think I've got, I may have a different angle on this, right? Like when we, when you first start out in anything, you have a little bit of imposter syndrome, like when you started your first podcast, probably you're like, when I'm, when you're recording the first plate story, it's like, who's going to listen to me.

[00:42:31] Shane Sams: Like, I'm just, I'm not a radio DJ. I'm not Frasier crane on the Seattle airwaves. Right? Like, whatever, like, you know, you just don't think you can do it. And the funny thing is about the entrepreneurial journey in particular is imposter syndrome always comes back cause there's like always another level.

[00:42:48] Shane Sams: So when I, when we, when we quit our jobs, that was really amazing. And like we needed every ounce of confidence that we have built through our careers, through college, everything, to trust each other enough, to go out into the world and put herself out there. But then it was like, there was another, another tier, another level you got one, you got to keep it going, getting to the top of the mountain.

[00:43:06] Shane Sams: You got to stay there. Right. But then you want to go to a higher mountain peak. Really looking. We have to look a lot more internally. Now when we get the negativity, when we get the criticism, I get negative emails. I get hateful stuff every single day in my inbox from people who listen, right. It just happens.

[00:43:23] Shane Sams: And I have to understand that, you know, my worth is not based on that comment. Every it's internal, it comes from inside of me and it comes from my intentions. It comes from the actions that flow from those intentions. And I know that I'm trying to do my best. To help others and get to the next level of myself.

[00:43:42] Shane Sams: So that's where we really drawn to self-worth now is to fight imposter syndrome, fight the haters, fight, the trolls, fight the people who can't comprehend our mission. I don't have to convince you to make me have worth. I don't have to explain to you why I'm doing what I do to have worth. I just have to know that my intentions or my motivations are pure.

[00:44:01] Shane Sams: And then I'm being very intentional about how I manifest that out in the world. So you got to look inside. If you're going to pull that out, you know, if you're a religious person that comes flows from inside of you, like the holy spirit, if you're even if you're just someone who just like leads more confidence, it's got to come from in you because every time you put it in somebody else, you're going to lose. Every time. Somebody is going to burn you.

[00:44:21] Shane Sams: So that's why we draw on our self-worth is to overcome that. 

[00:44:26] Trista Polo: I love that answer. And I think you're absolutely right that you have, it's almost like there's a ceiling at every level and you've gotta be willing to break through it. It's not like once you get to this spot, that there's not another level.

[00:44:40] Trista Polo: If you know, you have to get a new level of self-worth confidence belief that you can do it for every level of success you achieve, because you'll only get as far as you believe you deserve to get. 

[00:44:55] Shane Sams: Another thing too, is like, we've actually had this new initiative in our company.

[00:44:58] Shane Sams: It's really interesting. And we're applying it to our life too. It's a very tactical approach. To doing things I changed, you know, something, you know, you have a job, your boss might tell you, well, your sales goals are to grow 3%. This good luck. If you don't do it, you're fired. Right? Like we're, we're, we're like, well, what are the actions that actually gets you to that?

[00:45:15] Shane Sams: Like, that's what we're measuring ourselves by. Did we take the actions necessary? And if we got there, great, if we didn't get there, we'll look at why and try and fix it. But like, you can't, you can't even put your self worth on the outcome. It's just gotta be like, are you being consistent? Are you being prolific?

[00:45:32] Shane Sams: Are you being relentless? And if you're doing those things, even if you fail, it's okay. Like you're, you're, everything's going to get better, but you don't have to put your worth in the outcome of the thing. Cause that also you're, you're going to fail more than you win. So don't even put it there. Just put it on the actions.

[00:45:48] Shane Sams: Here's the 

[00:45:48] Trista Polo: saying, I love marry yourself to the process. Divorce yourself from the result. 

[00:45:54] Shane Sams: Yes. Yes. So true. Very, very true. Yeah, 

[00:45:57] Trista Polo: absolutely. Now I think you have a freebie for my listeners. 

[00:46:02] Shane Sams: Yes, I have an awesome, awesome gift.

[00:46:05] Shane Sams: You know, I'd love to help any of your listeners who think they have an idea to start an online business, to actually find that idea, look at their God-given talents, experience, pick their idea of vet the idea to make sure that it's already making money online so they can get a piece of the pie and then choose the idea and take action on it.

[00:46:20] Shane Sams: And we do that with a free 30 day trial inside the flipped lifestyle community that gives you access to all of our training. All of our courses, all of our communities. You can hang out with me twice a month on member calls you can cancel any time. There's absolutely no commitment. And all they have to do is go to

[00:46:38] Shane Sams: F L I P P E D. story. That's plate PLA T. And we will, we'll get them set up for a free trial and they can check it out. What we do if it's not for them, that's fine. If it is, we'll help them succeed.

[00:46:51] Trista Polo: That's a really good freebie. 

[00:46:53] Shane Sams: We give all away. I got nothing to hide. I will come in and I will prove to you that we're legit.

[00:47:00] Shane Sams: Like you don't have to pay me anything up front, just come on in and you'll have so much fun. You'll probably stay. 

[00:47:05] Trista Polo: I love it. Now I always like to flip the conversation and ask, if you have one question you'd like to ask me since I've been barraging you with questions this whole time. I got a good one 

[00:47:18] Shane Sams: to ask. I got it. I just wanted to compliment you because you know, I do a lot of podcasts and I've had a lot of fun on the spot.

[00:47:25] Shane Sams: You were a good podcast or Trista, very good podcast. And I love plates story. But have you ever thought about launching at any other podcast or do you have any other shiny objects that you're like over on this, like, oh, I'd love to do a podcast about that. Like what would you, if you were going to start like another podcast or what would you do?

[00:47:44] Trista Polo: Oh my goodness. That's a great question. I will say I love the, I love talking the human interest interviews and really finding out, like, just talking to you, like what makes you tick?

[00:47:56] Trista Polo: What got you, where you are, how has it been for you? And you've been an amazing guest by the way, you are an amazing storyteller. You really listen to how people's minds work. Like not just what problem can I solve, but what are you dealing with that I can help you have a easier life. And I, I know that's part of why you guys have been so successful because you've really been able to tap into that.

[00:48:25] Trista Polo: So I wanted to acknowledge you both. And what you're creating for people, but I, I do love the entrepreneur. I love the failure stories. I love how you turn failure into success and what lessons you learned along the way from that. Kind of like zooming in, narrow down on one topic.

[00:48:48] Trista Polo: And so the failing your way forward, the turning adversity into success. And definitely that self-worth conversation. One of the reasons I haven't done it is time, but the other reason is there's so many podcasts out about that. And. 

[00:49:06] Shane Sams: But they ain't hosted by Trista not hosting. That's the difference, right?

[00:49:11] Shane Sams: There's a lot of podcasts about what I talk about too, but you know what, they ain't me or they ain't you. I think you do a good job at it. I'm just 

[00:49:18] Trista Polo: saying thank you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you being here.

[00:49:23] Trista Polo: Any final words before we wrap up? 

[00:49:25] Shane Sams: Yeah. Just, I can't imagine where my life would be right now. If I didn't try, you know, and that's really what I just encourage everybody. Like, you know, you're going to regret it if you don't eventually. So you might as well try it. And if it don't work, go back to what you were doing before.

[00:49:42] Shane Sams: And if it does good things are going to happen in your family and your future. So 

[00:49:48] Trista Polo: I love it. And don't be afraid to fail because that will keep you from trying for sure. Thank you so much, Shane, for being with me today, I had a blast. 

[00:50:00] Shane Sams: I had, this is the most, I've got a bunch of podcasts today, but I have no doubt.

[00:50:03] Shane Sams: This will be the most fun. So those other people got to lock. They got a hot bar, they got a high bar. 

[00:50:09] Trista Polo: Awesome. Thanks so much. 

[00:50:11] Shane Sams: Awesome. Bye 

[00:50:12] Trista Polo: bye.

[00:50:13] Trista, Host: Thank you for joining us for this week's episode of Trista's PL8STORY podcast. Please subscribe to Trista's PL8STORY podcast to get the story behind all those vanity plates, driving with you on the road. And if you would like to nominate the owner of a license plate, including you... Or visit any of our partners and sponsors come and see us That's P L number eight and give us the details. 

If you enjoyed this episode, please drop a review and give us a share. I'm Trista Polo wishing you well on the road to your next adventure.

I Woke Up Awesome Blog

By Trista Polo December 30, 2024
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a sense of calm and balance can be challenging. That's where the power of cannabidiol (CBD) comes into play. With its natural origins and growing popularity, CBD oil is making waves as a potent ally in promoting mental and physical well-being. What is CBD? Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its cousin THC, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t produce the “high” typically associated with cannabis. This makes CBD an attractive option for those seeking the health benefits of cannabis without the mind-altering effects. Supporting Calmness CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors responsible for regulating various physiological processes, including mood, stress response, and sleep. By interacting with ECS receptors, CBD can enhance the body's ability to maintain homeostasis, or balance. Benefits of CBD for Calm and Balance Stress Reduction: One of the most celebrated benefits of CBD is its potential to alleviate stress. Regular use can help calm the mind, making it easier to navigate daily pressures. Improved Sleep Quality: By promoting relaxation, CBD can help improve sleep quality, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready to face the day. Mood Enhancement: CBD may also help elevate mood by supporting the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of happiness and well-being. Maintaining Physical Balance: Beyond mental effects, CBD supports physical balance, aiding in recovery from exercise-induced inflammation and discomfort. Incorporating CBD into Your Routine Integrating CBD into your lifestyle is simple. Bliss CBD Gummies + Ashwagandha, for example, offer a convenient and tasty way to experience the benefits of CBD alongside other calming botanicals. With no psychoactive effects, they’re perfect for use any time of day.  Conclusion CBD’s natural properties make it a powerful tool for supporting calmness and balance in a hectic world. Whether you're looking to manage stress, improve your sleep, or simply enhance your overall well-being, CBD can be a reliable companion on your journey to a more balanced life. Always consult a healthcare provider if you're considering adding CBD to your wellness routine, especially if you’re taking other medications. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
By Trista Polo December 23, 2024
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By Trista Polo December 16, 2024
Core 3 Health is a revolutionary system designed to empower your health journey. With three powerful products, it offers a comprehensive approach to wellness. Let's delve into how Core 3 Health can benefit you and how sharing it with others adds even more value. The Three Pillars of Core 3 Health Isotonix OPC-3 This powerful antioxidant is 20 times stronger than vitamin C. It supports blood flow, glowing skin, flexible joints, and healthy cholesterol levels. Start your day replenished and ready. Prime NAD+ Known for its age-fighting properties, Prime NAD+ helps replenish natural levels that decline with age. It boosts energy, mental sharpness, and regeneration at the cellular level. Isotonix Magnesium Critical for more than 25% of your body’s functions, magnesium helps you relax and rest. It supports emotional balance, sleep quality, and overall well-being. Benefits of Sharing Core 3 Health When you embrace Core 3 Health, you unlock powerful health benefits. But it doesn't stop there. Sharing these benefits with friends can be rewarding for everyone involved. Earn Cash by Referring Others: When your friends make a purchase through your referral link, they save money, and you earn $25–$30, deposited into your VIFT wallet. Continuous Earnings: Every time a referred customer makes a purchase, you earn cash rewards, and they enjoy savings. Empower Your Circle: By sharing Core 3 Health, you’re not only boosting your wellness but also helping others achieve their health goals. Conclusion Core 3 Health is more than a product; it's a complete wellness system designed to restore, rebuild, and reset your health. Experience the benefits and share the opportunity for others to transform their health, too.  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
By Trista Polo December 9, 2024
In today's hectic world, finding moments of calm and relaxation can be a challenge. Enter Bliss CBD Gummies + Ashwagandha, a natural solution crafted to help you unwind and find inner peace amidst the chaos of everyday life. The Power of Calm Bliss CBD Gummies combine the soothing properties of cannabidiol oil with a blend of adaptogenic botanicals known for their calming effects. Each gummy contains 30 mg of Cannabidiol oil and features key ingredients like ashwagandha, L-theanine from white and green teas, and lemon balm. Unique Benefits These gummies offer a range of benefits that support both physical and emotional well-being: Stress Support: The adaptogenic botanicals help your body manage and respond to stress effectively, stabilizing your physiological responses. Mood Stabilization: They may help stabilize mood and promote a sense of emotional wellness, especially during stressful situations. Relaxation and Sleep: These gummies promote relaxation and may support improved sleep quality, ensuring you wake up refreshed. How It Works The effectiveness of Bliss CBD Gummies lies in their unique mixture of botanicals. Ashwagandha and L-theanine work to promote a state of calm by supporting healthy neurotransmitter levels, while lemon balm helps your body adapt to stress. Why Bliss CBD Gummies? These gummies are a delicious and convenient way to incorporate the benefits of CBD and natural botanicals into your daily routine. Whether you're dealing with a busy work schedule or looking for a way to enhance your relaxation time, Bliss CBD Gummies are a perfect companion. Conclusion Finding your calm doesn't have to be a struggle. With Bliss CBD Gummies + Ashwagandha, you can support your body's natural response to stress and enjoy the tranquility you deserve. Try them today and take a step towards a more balanced and serene life. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
By Trista Polo December 2, 2024
Omega-3 fish oils are well-known for their health benefits, but not all are created equal. VivoMega™ stands out in a crowded market with its exceptional quality and effectiveness. Let’s explore what makes VivoMega™ the superior choice for your omega-3 needs. Ultra-Pure and Highly Concentrated One of the defining features of VivoMega™ is its ultra-pure formulation. Produced in Norway, this omega-3 fish oil undergoes rigorous purification processes to ensure you receive the highest concentration of EPA and DHA, the two key components that drive its powerful health benefits. Exceptional Production Standards VivoMega™ boasts world-class oxidation parameters, made possible by advanced thin-film technology. This ensures that the oil maintains its integrity, flavor, and aroma, providing a fresher and more pleasant experience. Clinically Studied Benefits Backed by clinical research, VivoMega™ supports cardiovascular health, immune system function, and normal respiratory function. Its efficacy in promoting overall wellness is well-documented, making it a reliable choice for those seeking optimal health outcomes. Sustainable and Responsible Sourcing VivoMega™ is committed to sustainability, using only responsibly sourced fish. This approach not only supports environmental health but also ensures that the product you consume is of the highest ethical standards. Superior Absorption Formulated in triglyceride form, VivoMega™ offers superior absorption, allowing your body to fully benefit from the omega-3s. This means more efficient support for a healthy heart, brain, and immune system. Conclusion Choosing VivoMega™ means investing in a product that prioritizes quality, purity, and sustainability. When it comes to your health, don’t settle for anything less than the best. Experience the VivoMega™ difference today. Ready to make the switch? Discover VivoMega™ in VivoQuin™ today for complete wellness! Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.
By Trista Polo November 25, 2024
In the realm of health and wellness, NAD+ has swiftly become the most talked-about natural ingredient that many are only beginning to learn about. This coenzyme, crucial for our cellular functions, is drawing attention for its potential to support healthy aging, and here's why everyone is buzzing about it. What is NAD+? NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a coenzyme present in every cell in our body. It plays a vital role in energy production and cellular health, making it indispensable for maintaining overall wellness. Why is NAD+ Trending? Supports Healthy Aging As we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline. Research suggests boosting NAD+ could help maintain youthful energy, support DNA repair, and promote longevity. Enhances Energy and Vitality NAD+ is key in converting nutrients into ATP, the energy currency of cells. This process invigorates both body and mind, combating fatigue and promoting vitality. Boosts Cognitive Function Healthy NAD+ levels are linked to improved brain health, supporting memory, focus, and overall cognitive function. Aids in Cellular Repair and Recovery Involved in repairing and regenerating cells, NAD+ helps the body recover from stress, environmental factors, and physical exertion. Why Haven’t You Heard of It? Despite its importance, NAD+ has remained under the radar until recent scientific advancements highlighted its benefits. Now, with growing research and testimonials, it’s capturing the wellness world’s attention. How to Boost NAD+ Levels Dietary Choices : Foods rich in NAD+ precursors, like fish, mushrooms, and green vegetables, can help. Regular Exercise : Physical activity naturally increases NAD+ production. Supplements : Specific supplements are available to help elevate NAD+ levels effectively. Conclusion NAD+ may be the wellness world's best-kept secret , but its benefits are too significant to remain hidden. As awareness grows, more people are discovering how this incredible coenzyme supports healthy aging and enhances overall health. It's time to embrace the potential of NAD+ for a vibrant future. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
By Trista Polo November 18, 2024
Respiratory health is crucial for overall well-being. Compromised respiratory function can lead to various issues, including frequent infections, fatigue, and decreased lung capacity. Let's explore how to support respiratory health naturally.
By Trista Polo November 11, 2024
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding effective ways to relax and achieve restful sleep is essential. Fortunately, nature provides us with incredible tools to support both relaxation and sleep management. Embrace Natural Calm Adaptogenic botanicals such as ashwagandha and lemon balm are renowned for their ability to help the body adapt to stress. These natural wonders support your physiological responses, promoting a calmer mind and enhancing mood stability. The Power of Tranquility Ingredients like L-theanine, commonly found in green and white teas, are known for their soothing properties. They promote relaxation by supporting normal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, helping you unwind effectively. Support Healthy Sleep Achieving quality sleep is crucial for overall well-being. Natural compounds help in promoting a restful night's sleep by encouraging relaxation and maintaining healthy cortisol levels in the body. Integrate Relaxing Habits Incorporating these calming elements into your daily routine can make a real difference. Consider activities such as meditation, gentle yoga, or a warm bath alongside these natural solutions to enhance relaxation and improve sleep patterns.  Conclusion Tapping into nature's offerings can transform your stress management and sleep quality. Embrace these natural aids and experience a more serene and restful life—a simple yet powerful choice towards better wellness.
By Trista Polo November 4, 2024
NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a coenzyme found in every living cell, playing a crucial role in energy production and maintaining cellular health. As we age, levels of NAD+ decline, impacting our vitality and wellness. Understanding the benefits of NAD+ can inspire a healthier lifestyle and better aging. What is NAD+? NAD+ is essential for converting nutrients into cellular energy. It also supports the body's defense mechanisms by activating sirtuins, proteins that regulate cellular health. Benefits of NAD+ Boosts Energy Levels NAD+ aids in converting food into energy, which can enhance overall vitality and combat fatigue. Supports Healthy Aging By activating sirtuins, NAD+ helps maintain DNA integrity and promotes longevity. Enhances Cognitive Function Healthy levels of NAD+ support brain health, aiding in mental clarity and focus. Improves Cellular Recovery NAD+ is involved in repairing and regenerating cells, making it essential for recovery from stress and damage. Promotes Metabolic Health It helps regulate metabolism, supporting healthy weight management and metabolic processes. How to Boost NAD+ Levels Diet : Consuming foods rich in precursors like Nicotinamide Riboside can help boost NAD+. Exercise : Regular physical activity has been shown to increase NAD+ production naturally. Supplements : Consider dietary supplements that support NAD+ synthesis for added benefits.  Conclusion NAD+ is a key player in maintaining health and vitality as we age. By supporting energy production, cognitive function, and cellular health, boosting NAD+ levels can help foster a vibrant, active lifestyle. Integrating NAD+ supportive practices can be a valuable part of your wellness routine. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
By Trista Polo October 28, 2024
Our immune system is the first line of defense against illness, and supporting it with the right nutrients can make a significant difference in our overall health. Let's explore some powerful ingredients known for their immune-boosting properties. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids in triglyceride form are renowned for their ability to support immune health. These essential fats help maintain the balance of immune cells and promote a healthy response to inflammation. Incorporating omega-3s into your diet through fish oil can be a valuable way to enhance your body's natural defenses. Black Cumin Seed Extract Black cumin seed extract is celebrated for its immune-supportive properties. This ingredient contains thymoquinone, which has been shown to promote healthy immune cell activity. By including this extract in your wellness routine, you can support your immune system's ability to respond effectively to challenges. Comprehensive Immune Support When these ingredients are combined, they offer comprehensive support for your immune system. Together, they work synergistically to enhance immune function and support respiratory health, providing a balanced approach to maintaining wellness. Natural Immune Health Strategy By focusing on these key ingredients, you can develop a natural strategy to boost your immune system. Whether taken through dietary sources or supplements, these nutrients provide the building blocks for a resilient and responsive immune system. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids and black cumin seed extract into your routine may help you enhance your immune health naturally. Always consider consulting with a healthcare professional before making changes to your wellness regimen.
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