This is a very special episode of Trista's PL8STORY Podcast in honor of Sex, Love & Marriage month. If you've listened to earlier episodes, you may remember Meghan and Steve. They're plates - MEGZ MAN and MEGZ BENZ and the story behind them were shared in episode 7. They're like a real life rom-com and it was so fun to get to know them and see how much they truly love each other. We stayed connected after the episode aired and I noticed they had some big changes happening in their family. So I decided in honor of Sex Love and Marriage series that we would check in on them and get an update. If you haven't heard episode 7 yet for Part 1 of their story, don't miss it.
Trista, Host:
[00:00:00] Welcome to this week's episode of Trista's PL8STORY Podcast. I'm Trista Polo from and I am your host.
Each week we learn the story behind that vanity plate. The one you saw driving down the road, what did it say? What did it mean? Why did they choose it? This is a very special episode of Trista's PL8STORY Podcast in honor of Sex, Love & Marriage month. If you've listened to earlier episodes, you may remember Meghan and Steve. They're plates - MEGZ MAN and MEGZ BENZ and the story behind them were shared in episode 7. They're like a real life rom-com and it was so fun to get to know them and see how much they truly love each other.
We stayed connected after the episode aired and I noticed they had some big changes happening in their family. So I decided in honor of Sex Love and Marriage series that we would check in on them and get an update. If you haven't heard episode 7 yet for Part 1 of their story, don't miss it. All right. Let's go get reconnected with [00:01:00] Meghan and Steve.
Trista, Host:
[00:01:04] So when we last left, you, you were madly in love. You had blended your families and you had really been able to both heal inside of loving another through your love for each other. It's one of my favorite episodes to date and , a lot's happened since we talked last. So tell us what's been going on for you guys.
[00:01:27] Well, we eloped over the quarantine..Excuse the baby in the background...and we're expecting a baby boy.
Trista, Host:
[00:01:35] I mean, that's a lot because when we talked, you weren't even scheduled to get married until was it the fall?
[00:01:42] Yeah. But we just knew that it wasn't going to happen. And so many of my friends that are getting married in the fall or they're not able to now,
Trista, Host:
[00:01:50] Yeah. So you just figured you'd go for it.
[00:01:52] Yeah, exactly.
Trista, Host:
[00:01:53] That's awesome. Now I remember that you guys had a lot of stuff you were building. Steve, you were actually building [00:02:00] a lot of things for your wedding to be used. did you kind of put all those projects aside or are you going to repurpose all that work for something else?
[00:02:09] Yeah. I mean, we put everything to the side because we got married a lot sooner,
Trista, Host:
[00:02:15] so took a lot of pressure off, I guess.
[00:02:18] I'm relieved.
Trista, Host:
[00:02:20] Yeah. Yeah. Was it a hard decision to make when you decided to, to move to an eloping instead of a whole wedding?
[00:02:27] Not at all. No, it was, it was actually better. Now we're married and it's not about everyone else anyway. It's about us.
Trista, Host:
[00:02:36] All right. tell me a little about how the ceremony turned out. cause you did it in your house. I think I saw some pictures on Facebook. Can you tell us how it all went?
[00:02:44] It was just us, our kids missing one because he was away, in the Navy and just my closest friend. And, it was really intimate. It's really nice.
Trista, Host:
[00:02:57] Who performed the ceremony for you?
[00:03:00] Steve's ex-Brother-in-law actually.
Trista, Host:
[00:03:03] Oh, wow. So is he an ordained minister?
Trista, Host:
[00:03:06] Yeah. And getting the licensing ... how did that all work?
[00:03:10] I called the local town and the man there was wonderful. He was just so impressed with our story. So he came in special for us and did everything for us.
Trista, Host:
[00:03:23] That's awesome. Now you said you're expecting, which is so exciting. I have to ask, was this planned, did you guys want to grow your family more?
[00:03:33] Actually we did. Yeah. Yeah. We'll complete our family and that's a wrap with kids
Trista, Host:
[00:03:38] wow. So how many will that be? Once you have this last one?
Trista, Host:
[00:03:44] Seven - one for every day of the week, like underwear. That's great. And you're having a boy, a boy. Yeah. That's wonderful. How did you reveal that? Did you do [00:04:00] any kind of special reveal? Like people are doing these days?
[00:04:04] Not really into that. We kinda just find out.
That's great. So you have, you don't have all boys now.
We have one girl out of all the boys,
Trista, Host:
[00:04:15] all the boys. And so she's gonna make, remain the one girl of the family, the princess forever. Is she old enough to understand that?
[00:04:27] Yeah, she is.
Trista, Host:
[00:04:32] No problem.
So Steve,
you've been working this whole time, even during the quarantine, right?
Trista, Host:
[00:04:43] How has that been for you?
Trista, Host:
[00:04:49] You drive a truck. Is that right?
Trista, Host:
[00:04:52] Yeah. So, you've been pretty, pretty, you've been pretty important. Yeah. Through all this stuff with everybody needing to get things [00:05:00] delivered now, not being able to go to the stores. Yeah. So thank you for all of your service and all you did to make sure everybody got what they needed when they needed it by what was the hardest part about it for you?
[00:05:13] It did get busier. It got a lot busier for me and I'm having to, you know, make sure that like, I don't bring nothing home to my family. So it's very hard.
Trista, Host:
[00:05:26] It's very hard. Well, I have to say that I saw a post you did about the process that you were taking. And probably still are to decontaminate yourself and, to my husband's chagrin because I stay home, I work from home.
I don't ever leave. And so when he goes out to the store to get groceries or whatever, I make him do the closest facsimile I could to what you are doing, you know, take your shoes off, outside, and the whole process. Can you share that process that you've been using to keep your family safe and you'd get home?
[00:06:00] Yeah. You know, obviously before I get out of the truck, I'd, you know, use sanitizer wipes on my hands and are there, you know, are just regular hand sanitizer. And then I would come in and I would take off, you know, everything pretty much just gear down to nothing. And then
jump in the shower right after.
Trista, Host:
[00:06:23] And you're doing a, sanitizing process with your laundry too, right? Like you put your laundry right in, cleaned it and cleaned yourself before you interacted with anybody. Yeah,
[00:06:35] we were putting it in a garbage bag effort. You know what I mean? Like it was crazy. she's back in my shirt.
Trista, Host:
[00:06:42] So I have to read it for people, not on video. I asked God to make me a better man. He sent me my wife. I love that. I just love how much you love each other. Wow. Look at your belly. You're already pretty far along. That's great. [00:07:00] That's awesome. When are you due?
[00:07:02] Christmas time, Christmas, a Christmas baby.
Trista, Host:
[00:07:07] That's awesome. , I had asked if, you had talked to Emma about the fact that she's going to be the only girl and how she felt about that.
[00:07:18] She was upset at first. Cause we thought for sure we were having a little girl
Trista, Host:
[00:07:22] Oh really?
[00:07:24] Of course we didn't care what we she's okay with it now. I told her, so be the only princess.
Trista, Host:
[00:07:32] She must love that.
[00:07:33] Yeah, she does. Yeah.
Trista, Host:
[00:07:36] So we were just talking about Steve and his process of working and decontaminating, you're back to work too now, right? Because phase four is, we're actually in phase five now. And I think phase four is when estheticians went back.
[00:07:49] Very limited work, for estheticinas.
Trista, Host:
[00:07:54] Yeah. But you love your, you love your work. You love your clients. How has it been for you [00:08:00] and for them.
[00:08:01] It's been very hard, not knowing when we could reopen been very difficult, but we're pulling through.
Trista, Host:
[00:08:10] Yeah, they must be so happy to have access to you again. I know they really count on you and you made some really, good relationships with your clients.
[00:08:18] Yeah. Yeah. I can't wait to get back to work. for sure.
Trista, Host:
[00:08:23] Awesome. Well, so has anything changed? They say that when you get married, no matter how much you act like you're married or live, like you're married. Once you get married, it changes. So has anything felt different for you now that you're married?
[00:08:37] No - It's been chaotic since the beginning and it's still
Trista, Host:
[00:08:46] Well, I'm just so glad that we were able to touch base with you and say hello, now that you are married. and you have , your whole lives ahead of you. I'm just so happy for you guys. [00:09:00] And I'm so excited that you're adding to your family. do you have any advice for people who, are in situations similar to yours to just make things more fun?
I mean, you clearly know how to love each other fully and how to create so much acknowledgement for each other, probably privately, since you do it so much publicly. Any advice for people to have the kind of love and the kind of life that you've been able to create?
[00:09:28] You just make everything about each other
Trista, Host:
[00:09:32] first and foremost, right?
[00:09:34] In a hundred, 10%, 110%.
[00:09:38] Yeah, just that person always has to come first, ... well the kids come first but
Trista, Host:
[00:09:46] whether you like it or not, they demand that right. Kids first, each other second, and everything else you figure out.
[00:10:02] That that helps... being a team and helping each other out and relieving stress from each other. And you know, like 100% of the house, the kids.
[00:10:12] Yeah. Being home with the kids. It's not been easy for me. So just him coming home and helping with the little things is huge for me.
[00:10:22] I'll do the dishes and everything. Everything I can to help her out.
Trista, Host:
[00:10:27] That's a lot because I could see like all the work you're doing out, you said you're busier than ever at work. You have all this stuff to do when you get home to decontaminate and then to go help out. I can imagine a lot of people would use all of that as an excuse or reason not to and help out
[00:10:45] after a 14 hour Workday. It's a lot
[00:10:48] He comes home and sees that I'm completely done with the day.
Trista, Host:
[00:10:57] Yeah.
[00:10:59] We have a name [00:11:00] for the boy...for our son
Trista, Host:
[00:11:01] You do? Are you willing to share.
Trista, Host:
[00:11:10] Alright. Well, so before you, before you share the name for your new baby, tell us the name, the first names of all your kids. And then we'll add that one as the very last and final kid.
[00:11:22] Stevie, Ryan Blake, Paulie, Emma Christian, and the new one is going to be Kamden Macy Ackerman.
Trista, Host:
[00:11:31] Wow. I love it. why did you choose that name?
[00:11:36] It's rare. It's rare.
[00:11:40] And we'll spell it with a K.
Trista, Host:
[00:11:43] I love it. So anything else you guys want to share with us? For our update about how things are going and what's next for you?
[00:11:54] What's next. I think we're just going to calm it down for a little [00:12:00] while. Have the baby
[00:12:01] She's made jokes that we should try for a girl.
Trista, Host:
[00:12:12] Well, there's plenty of love and light in your house for sure. And I know whatever happens next for you guys, you will do your best and you will put your family and each other first. And I think when you do that, everything else is easier.
[00:12:28] Definitely. Yeah.
Trista, Host:
[00:12:30] I want to thank you so much for this quick update. It's been fun to have you both back on to just share
how everything changed and what's been going on for you guys kind of like a happy ending in real life.
[00:12:44] Thank you for having us.
Trista, Host:
[00:12:46] Thanks guys. Have a great day.
Thank you for joining us for this week's episode of Trista's PL8STORY podcast. Please subscribe to Trista's PL8STORY podcast to get the story behind all those vanity plates, driving with [00:13:00] you on the road. And if you would like to nominate the owner of a license plate, including you... Or visit any of our partners and sponsors come and see us That's P L number eight and give us the details.
If you enjoyed this episode, please drop a review and give us a share. I'm Trista polo wishing you well on the road to your next adventure.