Did you know it takes the typical business 3 months to see results from the business-building efforts they are making today? That can really make it hard to know if you're making any progress. You can look at your current results but they actually tell the story of the past...how well you were doing 3 months ago. Now this is valuable information, to be sure...it helps you tweak what you're doing for the results you'll get in 3 months.
So how can we tell if we're doing better than think we are? Progress can be hard to see sometimes unless you’re looking in the right places for it.
If you feel like you’re working hard with little to show for it, look for these positive signs to know you're on the right track:
1. You learn the lesson that each mistake and failure provide. If you can learn something from every failure and mistake, it won’t take long before you’re incredibly successful. Most people repeat their errors over and over. They avoid failure and mistakes thinking they are a bad thing. But each failure is an opportunity to learn. Consider it a seminar in the subject you bungled, take the lessons and move on the wiser for it.
2. You’re clear on what you want. This can be half the battle. You have a huge advantage over the competition if you know what you want. Most people are aimlessly floating through life. If you have a goal or vision and know what you are working toward, you're going to take actions toward the goal. If you don't know what you want then any road will get you there.
3. You spend your time wisely. Spend your time well and good things happen. Spend your time poorly and your life will be a train wreck. When deciding what you’re going to do next, ask yourself what the best use of your time would be. Then, do it. I find some good rules of thumb are, "Schedule it and it gets done" and "To Do Lists Avoid the Don't Dos."
4. You’re taking consistent, daily actions that you know lead to positive results. Consistent progress is a great sign. Even if you feel like you’re lightyears from your goal, all you need is regular progress. One tip for goal setting is to have a short-term goal, mid-term goal and long-term goal in place. This way you have something you can accomplish in a month's time, 6 month's time and a year's time. You'll know you're on track toward your long-term goal if you are hitting your short and mid-term goals. Having coaching or support when making your goals will ensure they are realistic and detailed enough to be effective.
5. You’re consistent in your efforts. Successful people put in some work on a daily basis. Success isn’t about working really hard for a day here and there. Being consistent in your efforts also means that you’re sticking to your goals. Working for a week on one goal and then changing your mind and working on something else is a path to nowhere.
6. You’re not alone. There are people that insist if they want something done right they have to do it themselves. They believe others deserve help and support but not them. I know because I used to be one of them. Now that I have built a team of awesome and smart people around me I get more done and have more fun. Better yet - I can see the progress and success of others, which is so inspiring!
7. You choose to be positive and optimistic most of the time. Mindset is so important. We all have bad days, it's part of the deal. But you can choose how to frame EVERY situation. So do you tend to find the positive or negative in situations that occur throughout the day? Finding things to be positive, grateful and happy about raises your energy and your mood. Conversely, when your expectations are low, you quickly become stuck, because you believe your efforts will be a waste of time.
8. You’re determined. Commitment is a great sign that you’re going places. Good things happen when you’re determined.
9. You’re not worried about the opinions of others. If you care too much about what others think, you’ll prefer to play it safe, and you won’t do anything significant. You can leave them and their opinions in the dust behind you! Those people whose opinions worry you? They won't pay for your bills or your funeral, so why let them have a say in how you live your life? Truth be told, they probably aren't thinking about you much anyway because they have their own problems to worry about. Your thoughts about how they feel about you are YOUR thoughts....not theirs. That one will catch you on the way home. ;-)
10. You have a dry, warm place to sleep. If you’ve ever had to go without this, you know how nice this is. I read recently about a guy that was in his car on the side of the road and a snow plow plowed him into a snow bank. He was there, in his car for 5 days with no way out. It was the insulation of the snow around him that saved his life, igloo style. I mean...you could be THAT guy!
11. You have a steady income, whatever the size. A steady income is a great thing. Many people either can’t find work or are unable to maintain employment. Even if you’re earning less than you’d like, it’s a lot better than earning nothing at all. And today, there are a zillion side hustles, freelance opportunities and home-based businesses that have opportunities for people willing to hustle.
12. You have your health. If you’re basically healthy, you have a huge leg up on a lot of people. Good health is a huge blessing.
If you’re clear on what you’re trying to accomplish, and you’re spending your time wisely, you’re doing quite well. This is true even if the results haven’t revealed themselves yet. You deserve all the best life has to offer and you were created with the ability to achieve it! I hope this list has given you a look at all the ways you ROCK! If it didn't, you could have another underlying struggle going on, that I can help you with. Check it out here.
Which of the list above resonated most with you? Please share with me in the comments.
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